ARES 2016 will be held at the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, Salzburg, Austria.

Address of ARES 2016 Conference:

Salzburg University of Applied Sciences
Campus Urstein Süd 1
5412 Puch

How to get to the Conference location:

more detailed information can be found in the program guide here.

From the Airport:

From Salzburg Airport take the bus line no 2 in direction “Salzburg Obergnigl”. Get out at “Salzburg Aiglhof S-Bahn” and change to the S-Bahn S3 in direction “Schwarzach-St.Veit Bahnhof”. Get out at the station “Puch Urstein (FH)”, from there it´s just 5 minutes´ walk to the venue.

From the City Center:

From Salzburg Central Station (“Salzburg Hauptbahnhof”), trains of the rapid transit line S3 in directions “Golling-Abtenau”, “Saalfelden” or “Schwarzach St. Veit” (you can take any of the trains S3 in these destinations) run every 30 minutes. Get off at the station “Puch Urstein”, which is located right next to the campus. Then follow the signs „Fachhochschule“ to get to the ARES 2016 Conference Venue (use the passage underground). Travel time is approx. 20 minutes. You can find a journey planner here.

ARES 2016 shuttle service:

ARES 2016 will provide a shuttle service, details can be found here.

How to get to Salzburg:

Hugo von Hofmannsthal once called Salzburg the heart of the heart of Europe. Centrally located, Salzburg can be reached in a variety of ways.

By Plane

Salzburg Airport is located about four kilometers from the city center. It takes 15 minutes to reach the historic city center by taxi or public bus. Salzburg Airport is the arrival airport for many international airlines and low-cost carriers. Direct flights to Salzburg are available from Berlin, Düsseldorf, Hannover, Hamburg, Cologne/Bonn, Frankfurt, Leipzig-Halle, Amsterdam, Vienna, London, Manchester, Stockholm, Zurich and other cities.

Salzburg Airport

Munich’s Franz Josef Strauss Airport is located approx. 28 kilometers northeast of Munich. It opened May 17, 1992 and has become Germany’s second-largest international aviation hub just behind the Frankfurt/Main Airport. Munich Airport is Europe’s seventh-largest airport in terms of airline passengers (as per April 2007).

Munich Airport

To Salzburg via Munich
Due to the short distance between Munich and Salzburg, Munich Airport is a great asset to tourists traveling to Salzburg. An excellent railway connection from Munich Airport via Munich East Train Station takes passengers to Salzburg in just 2.5 hours. Railway timetables can be accessed directly at or The 180-kilometer stretch of highway between Munich and Salzburg on Highway A8 is covered in one hour and 45 minutes by car. A highway sticker is required from the Austrian border at Walserberg. Stickers can be purchased at the border.

By Train

Salzburg Train Station is a 15 minutes’ walk from the historic city center. Here you can transfer to a trolley bus, regional bus, local train or suburban train. As a border station to Germany, Salzburg has outstanding Eurocity, Intercity and ICE connections. Salzburg’s new suburban railroad connects the city with the surrounding towns.

Travelling by train

More information can be found here: Salzburg Tourism