Workshop on Multi User Interaction in Social Media: Secure information flow for disaster emergencies

to be held in conjunction with the ARES EU Projects Symposium 2016, held at the 11th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2016 –

August 31 – September 2, 2016
Salzburg, Austria

The Muinín workshop is being organised to bring together civil protection, including police and intelligence, ethics scholars, legal experts, and technologists involved in introducing and maintaining social information networks for preventing and mitigating the impact of disasters. Muinín is the Irish word for having trust and confidence in oneself and others. The lessons learnt and systems developed during the execution the three year FP7-sponsored security project Slandail (Project No.# 607691, 2014-2017) will form the basis of the workshop. Slandail (Irish for security) and is an acronym for Security System for language and image analysis. The prime objective of the Slandail Project is to evaluate the impact of social media in emergencies.

Slandail presentations will include:

End User Perspective
Police and civil protection requirements for the use of social media in disaster emergencies
Inter-operability during an emergency: Multi-cultural and multi-lingual challenges
Resilience and Business Continuity leveraged through social media interactions and social cohesion
Building and communicating trust between security agencies and the public

Technical Challenges
Automatic analysis of texts, images and gestures in social media for identifying unusual events
Emotion and sentiment analytics for emergency communications.

Ethical and Legal Framework for Data Harvesting and Storing from Social Media
The essential tension between privacy and safety of citizens: A human rights perspective
Copyright and data protection implications of harvesting social media data

Project Abstract

Project Slándáil is collaboration of emergency operatives, academics, ethics- and legal experts and SME’s involved in emergency management, social media systems and public communication. Their common purpose is to make maximum ethical use of the information available in the social media to enhance the performance of emergency management systems. The Project has undertaken research in text and image analysis, in ethical and factual provenance of data, together with SMEs specialising in selling systems for social media analytics and for emergency monitoring. There are experts in human multi-lingual human communication working in the team. This is an Irish-led, Italian, German and British collaboration which will deliver next generation of emergency management systems for police and civil protection agencies.

Topics of interest comprise but are not limited to:
Privacy-Enhancing Technologies and Risk Planning
Business Continuity & Resilience
Incident Response and Prevention
Information Flow Control
Emergency Management
Text and Video Analytics
Analysis & Awareness
Privacy and Security
Legal Issues
Social Media
Important Dates
Submission Deadline June 09, 2016
Author Notification June 13, 2016
Proceedings Version June 20, 2016
Conference August 31 – September 2, 2016
Workshop Chair

Khurshid Ahmad
Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Technical Program Committee

Khurshid Ahmad, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Shane Finan, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Gerhard Heyer, University of Leipzig, Germany
Enrico Mussachio, DataPiano S.R.L, Italy
Bryan Scotney, University of Ulster, UK
Carl Vogel, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland


The submission guidelines valid for the MUININ workshop are the same as for the ARES conference. They can be found >>here<<.